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Do The Monster Mash Lokta Wrap

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Handmade Lokta paper, 35cm x 35cm wrapping

Do The Monster Mash. A square, fabric Lokta wrap. It has a yellow background and fun illustrations of pumpkins, ghosts, trick-or-treating creatures and the words "Trick Or Treat" printed across the wrap.
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80,00 Kč

Pumpkins, black cats, ghosts and monsters are all dressed up and ready to venture out for trick or treating. Tie a Lush treat up inside this adorable Halloween wrapping paper that’s handmade in a papermaking unit set up as part of a program to create employment for women.  

Leaving the world Lusher than we found it
Nepalese handmade paper is made from the fibrous inner bark of the high elevation evergreen shrubs Daphne Bholua, known as Lokta bushes. They are cut a few cm from ground level, allowing the plant to re-grow from the radial root. The plants regenerate and can be re-harvested after 3-7 years depending on altitude and growing conditions. The handmade paper requires very dry conditions and so the papermaking process takes place in low-lying Bastipur, close to the Indian border. A papermaking unit was set up here as part of a scheme to create employment and support empowerment of women in the area. Pass forward, reuse or recycle for a lush environment.  



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