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Olea Europaea Fruit Oil (Vergine Olivenöl)

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Olea Europaea Fruit Oil (Vergine Olivenöl)

Olea europaea



This oil is made with great passion and care; it is a moisturising treat for the skin and hair.

Not from any farm

Lush sources this oil from the Marda Permaculture Farm in Palestine. As the name suggests, it is based on core permaculture techniques, principles and strategies. It was initiated in 2006 by permaculturist Murad Alkhufash and is now a working farm and a demonstration and training site.

The whole project promotes food security, health, self-reliance and Palestinian empowerment in the Marda community. Very innovative, they’ve modelled their own water collection and conservation system as well as other ingenious solutions, all made with readily available and locally-appropriate materials. They use organic methods and have implemented composting, plant guilds, food forests, greenhouses and swales. They’ve also integrated vineyards and orchards with fruit and nut trees.

Chickens, pigeons and bees seem to love the place!

What are the benefits of olive oil for the skin and hair?

  • Readily absorbed, it offers lightweight moisture.
  • It protects and conditions the skin and hair, improving their strength.
  • It gives the skin a healthy glow.
  • It makes the hair shine.

The oil’s lightweight feel is due to its squalene content, a compound that can also be found in human sebum. ‘Accepted’ well by the skin, it allows the oil to help restore a healthy level of moisture.

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