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Carica papaya



Papayas are a powerhouse of vitamins and nutrients that cleanse, soothe and rejuvenate the skin and scalp. Their very own enzymes, namely papain and chymopapain, are exfoliating and have shown healing properties for which they are still carefully studied today.

Papaya (Carica papaya) is native to South America where it grows wild in the lowland tropical forests. It's a fun-looking tree, with a soft and usually branchless trunk that grows large, pear-shaped fruits on its top, overhung by a crown of large leaves. The fruits, called papaya, have a leathery skin that encloses a tasty pulp and many glossy black seeds.

The fruit’s pulp is used in traditional medicines to promote wound healing. This effect could come from several factors, mainly the strong antioxidant qualities of the fruit’s nutrients and pigments added to the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of papain. In cosmetics, these effects are particularly sought after to prevent and treat acne and dandruff. In addition, papain provides an enzymatic exfoliation that helps reduce the appearance of fresh scars.

主頁 - 鮮榨木瓜汁