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Mentha Arvensis



Wild mint oil’s cooling and antibacterial properties cleanse and awaken the skin. Combine this with an uplifting and refreshing scent, this oil will leave you feeling cool as one can be.

Not to be confused with peppermint or spearmint, the wild mint grows all across the world. From the temperate regions of Europe, across western and central Asia, throughout North America and even in the Himalayas, the plant thrives and blossoms pink and purple flowers.

With a strong and refreshing scent with underlying herbaceous notes, the oil is used in aromatherapy to sharpen the senses and heighten focus. Used in massage oils, its antispasmodic eases muscle pain.

Wild mint contains a large amount of menthol. So much indeed that at room temperature, the menthol solidifies and forms crystals within the oil. It is therefore not surprising that the oil is a popular ingredient in oral hygiene products to cleanse the mouth and keep the breath fresh.

主頁 - 野薄荷精油