新鮮手作 - 裸裝洗髮皂
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Citrus Limonum



When life gives you lemons, give them a squeeze! Astringent and antiseptic, this fresh and zesty juice cleanses the hair and skin without stripping away natural oils and gives a radiant glow.

The lemon tree (Citrus limonum) is a small, evergreen plant belonging to the Rutaceae family. Native to India, the tree produces oval leaves and blossoms as well as fruits which vary in rind, thickness, and percentage of juice.

With large amounts of vitamin C found in lemons, the juice is packed full of antibiotic and antioxidant properties, helping to keep the skin firm and protected. On hair, it gives a glossy shine as the astringent properties of the fruit cause hair follicles to lay flat and better reflect the light.

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