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Rosmarinus Officinalis



A fresh, pungent oil with a herbaceous scent, rosemary oil improves focus when inhaled, relaxes sore muscles in baths, stimulates circulation in the scalp, cleanses the skin, calms inflammation, and makes the hair shine, shine, shine!

Native to the Mediterranean region, rosemary is an evergreen shrub that can grow to six feet tall. A parent of basil and oregano, it belongs to the Labiatae (mint) family and has been cultivated since ancient times for use in medicine. Its leaves and flowering tops can be consumed fresh, dried or distilled for their essential oils.

Rosemary has toning properties that are believed to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss when applied to the scalp. It is antibacterial and antifungal, but also soothing - a great combination of effects to prevent dandruff, acne and scarring.

首頁 - 迷迭香精油