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Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil (Hanföl), Cannabidiol (CBD)

Ingredient / Inhaltsstoff

Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil (Hanföl), Cannabidiol (CBD)

Cannabis sativa



Hemp hemp, hooray! This skin-soothing and moisturising ingredient is a blend of two hemp extracts: oil pressed from the seeds and cannabidiol, also known as CBD oil.

Where do we get this ingredient?

Lush purchases a blend of 10% CBD and 90% hemp oil produced in the UK. Highly regulated and controlled, each batch is tested to ensure it doesn’t contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), hemp’s naturally occurring compound that famously creates a ‘high’. The oil is obtained from hemp seeds of various origins, while CBD is extracted from hemp grown in Switzerland.

What is hemp oil and what are its benefits for the skin and hair?

Hemp is a flowering plant with thin, serrated leaves, also known as Cannabis sativa. The plant has been cultivated for its fibres and the rich oil of its seeds since ancient Egypt, if not longer. However, its cultivation declined after certain varieties were used to produce illegal drugs, which led to strict state regulations or even bans of all varieties in some countries.

The seed oil remains a sought-after cosmetic and kitchen ingredient. Its anti-inflammatory properties, partly due to its gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) content, are said to relieve muscle and joint pain when applied topically. It also appears to help relieve the painful symptoms of swelling and certain skin conditions, such as eczema.

What are the benefits of CBD oil in cosmetics?

  • Slightly floral and herbaceous aroma.
  • May calm the mood when inhaled
  • May soothe the skin when applied topically.

What is cannabidiol?

Cannabidiol and CBD oil are the same thing. It is a natural compound also extracted from hemp. This fairly new cosmetic ingredient is often mixed with a carrier such as hemp oil or propylene glycol, depending on the desired effect. Its relationship with cannabis makes CBD controversial; however, unlike THC, it is a non-addictive and non-intoxicating substance.

Not convinced? Still hesitant? Read our comprehensive FAQ on CBD for more details.

100% convinced and very enthusiastic? Relax and browse our CBD products range.

Startseite - Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil (Hanföl), Cannabidiol (CBD)