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Viola Odorata Leaf Extract (Veilchenblattextrakt)

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Viola Odorata Leaf Extract (Veilchenblattextrakt)

Viola odorata



Dried violet leaves are macerated in olive oil to benefit from their soothing and antibacterial properties.

The Viola odorata, or sweet violet, is known for its delicate, sweet-smelling flowers which bloom throughout the cold seasons. When not sold as ornamental plants, they are cultivated for culinary purposes (the plant is entirely edible) or for their leaves from which several preparations can be made such as a fragrant absolute.

Sweet violet leaves are full of flavonoids (useful compounds to calm inflammation), and studies have shown them to have significant antibacterial and antifungal properties. These work together to leave the skin and scalp soothed and cleansed.

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