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Salvia officinalis



Sage powder is antiseptic and absorbs excess sweat, limiting the growth of body odour-producing bacteria.

Common sage (Salva officinalis) is an evergreen, perennial shrub. Its Latin name stems from ‘salvere,’ meaning ‘to be well', which references the plant’s properties and effects on human health.

Bearing many stems, its leaves are wrinkled, pale and a velvet texture. In summer, spikes of violet, pink or white flowers appear. Sage grows across the world; its flowers produce abundant nectar, making them important plants for bees.

For centuries, sage has been used in pagan and Wiccan rituals. It is thought to purify and cleanse a place, warding off evil spirits. It is thought to be one of the most effective herbs for dealing with bacteria on the skin. It is stimulating and cleansing and its phenolic acid content makes it a potent antioxidant.

主頁 - 鼠尾草粉