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Spring zum Inhalt


Primula Veris Flower (Schlüsselblumen)

Primula Veris



Dried cowslips infuse in water and create a wonderfully relaxing bath.

Cowslips (Primula veris) are perennials with oblong leaves. In spring, they grow small, yellow flowers in clusters at the top of long stalks.

The flowers are handpicked in spring and can be used fresh or dried, in salads, infusions, ointments, and tinctures.

Medicinally, they are used internally for coughs, arthritis, insomnia and headaches. Externally, herbalists use them for facial neuralgia, arthritic pain, skin blemishes, sunburn and migraine.

Startseite - Primula Veris Flower (Schlüsselblumen)