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Water (and) Mel (Honigwasser)


Water (and) Mel (Honigwasser)




The benefits of honey on the skin and hair are vast as honey contains lots of nutrients, is humectant, antimicrobial and antioxidant and has shown great wound healing properties over the centuries.

Bees collect nectar from flowers and carry it to their hives where the worker bees convert it into honey. Half a kilogram of honey contains the essence of about two million flowers and the colour, fragrance and properties of honey vary depending on the varieties foraged. Bees need to make thousands of round trips to collect nectar, and a single bee produces only about a teaspoon of honey during its lifetime.

To make this ingredient, clear honey is simply diluted in water at our manufacturing sites to lighten its consistency and prevent it from being too sticky on the skin.

Lush source clear honey from the Barro Vermelho community in Brazil. Bees’ welfare is at the heart of their practice and the community sees beekeeping as a communion with nature, a way to have better lives while helping to increase the bee population and land’s regeneration.

Startseite - Water (and) Mel (Honigwasser)