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All The Colors Tenugui Wrap


Organic cotton gift wrap and hand towel

All The Colours. An oblong, Tenugui-style fabric wrap placed vertically. There are horizontal layers of vividly bright colours ranging from neon yellow to deep purple.
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€ 7,95

Gift their favourite Lush treats in this multipurpose wrap, made from 100% organic cotton wrap, that your recipient can reuse as a hand towel!

The colorful pattern was designed by Poppy Cole at Rocket Artists, a U.K. not-for-profit that provides space for learning-disabled people, those on the autism spectrum and people with complex support needs to make art, develop skills and contribute ideas to the arts and society.

While creating their design for this Tenugui Wrap, Poppy was thinking about how everyone is different, and celebrated that by using "all the colours for all the people.".



Natürliche Inhaltsstoffe

Sichere synthetische Inhaltsstoffe

*Kommt natürlich in ätherischen Ölen vor



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