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Linum usitatissimum



Linseed oil is reputed for its soothing and protective effect on the skin as well as its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids which hydrate and easily penetrate the skin’s upper layers. The oil is also a great carrier, holding and bringing the active compounds from other ingredients right where they need to be.

Also known as flax, Linum usitatissimum is cultivated in most temperate areas of the world for its fibres and seeds. A tall-stemmed herb, flax grows flowers from May. During the flowering season, the beautiful blue colour of their petals can fool passers by, making them believe for a short moment that a lake has replaced crops overnight.

Linseed oil is pressed from the teardrop-shaped seeds of the plant. It is rich in certain polysaccharides, known to help retain water in the skin and prevent the breakdown of collagen. It is also the richest plant source of lignans, which are said to have antioxidant properties. All of this contributes to the smoothing and protective effect of the oil.

Lush purchase this oil from an organic source in China.

主頁 - 有機亞麻籽油