




We're not talking about the fluffy sweet here, sorry, but rather the plant called marshmallow and its powerful skin-soothing properties. The two are historically linked, though!

From herbalists' shelves…

The marshmallow plant, or marsh mallow, has heart-shaped, velvety leaves and pinkish flowers. It is native to Europe and North Africa, where it grows naturally in salt marshes, by the sea and along riverbanks. The whole plant contains a lubricating mucilage - a thick, gluey substance which is particularly concentrated in the root. This mucilage is very soothing and has been a classic folk medicine remedy for treating all kinds of sores, internal or external. In fact, marshmallow’s botanical name, Althaea, comes from the ancient Greek ‘althainein’, which means ‘to heal’.

…to candy shops.

The ancient Egyptians used the root in a honey-sweetened confection that was supposed to soothe sore throats. The French developed a later version of the recipe called ‘pâte de guimauve’, ‘marshmallow paste’ in English. This sweet medicine included an egg white meringue and was often flavoured with rose water. As you’ve probably guessed, la pâte de guimauve is the ancestor of the fluffy and squishy marshmallow confectionary we all know today. Ironically, it no longer contains marshmallow mucilage.

What are the benefits of the marshmallow plant?

  • Soothing
  • Softening
  • Protecting

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