LUSH Eギフトカードのご利用約款はこちら
Lush Gift Card ご利用約款はこちら
LUSH 配送パス 利用規約はこちら
ラッシュジャパン合同会社(以下「会社」といいます。)は、会社が提供するインターネットサービスであるLUSH ONLINE のサービス(以下「本サービス」といいます。)に関し、以下のとおり、ご利用規約(以下「本規約」といいます。)を定めます。
全ての商標は英国Cosmetic Warriors Limited(コスメティック ウォーリアス リミテッド)が保有し、会社がライセンスに基づき使用しております。
会社がインターネットを通じてオンラインまたは別途提供する手段を通じて随時発表する諸規定は、 本規約の一部を構成し、利用者はこれを承諾するものとします。
また、会社は、利用者の了承を得ることなく本規約を変更することがあり、利用者はこれを承諾します。 本規約の変更はインターネットを通じてオンラインまたは会社が提供する手段を通じて随時会員に発表されます。
第5条(LUSH ONLINEのサービス内容)
1. 営利目的(購入商品の転売、注文代行等を含みます)で商品を購入している場合、またはそれを疑わせる事情がある場合。
2. 過去に、商品代金の支払いを怠ったことがある場合。
3. 過去に、注文した商品の受け取りを拒否したことがある場合。
4. 第4条各号記載の事由のいずれかに該当することが判明した場合。
5. 本規約のいずれかに違反した場合。
2. 会員番号(ID)・パスワードを用いて行われた注文は、理由のいかんを問わず、会員の有効な注文とみなします。
3. インターネット上の障害、その他会社の帰責事由なくして会員・利用者の注文が受理されなかった場合、会社はその責任を負いません。
4. 営利・転売目的での商品のご購入、LUSH ONLINE の利用は禁止させていただきます。また、ご購入後の転売も禁止とさせていただきます。
NP後払い利用規約 https://np-atobarai.jp/terms/atobarai-buyer.html
< 登録内容の修正希望の場合 >
LUSH ONLINEログイン後、アカウント情報「登録内容の詳細」より変更希望箇所を修正してください。
< アカウント削除希望の場合 >
電子メール:[email protected]
住所:〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1-17ー11ガーデンキューブ渋谷神南4F ラッシュジャパン カスタマーケア
フリーダイヤル:0120-125-204 受付時間:平日 10:00~17:00
会社は個人情報の保護のため、暗号化技術としてSSLを使用し安全性を確保します。 ただし、その安全性は会社によって保証されるものではなく、万一会社の過失無くデータ漏洩等の事故が起こった場合は、会社および各クレジットカード会社には責任は及ばないものとします。
電子メール:[email protected]
住所:〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1-17ー11ガーデンキューブ渋谷神南4F ラッシュジャパン カスタマーケア
TEL:0120-125-204 受付時間:平日10:00~17:00
施行:2012 年 12 月 15 日
2016年 10 月 11 日
2021年 4 月 21 日
2022年 3 月14 日
Terms of Use
Article 1. Application and amendment of these Terms
These Terms establish provisions that must be complied with by all users of the Service (“Users” hereinafter).
The User hereby acknowledges that rules issued by the Company from time to time and provided online via the Internet or through other means shall constitute a part of these Terms.
In addition, the User hereby consents to the Company amending these Terms without obtaining the acknowledgement of the User.
Amendments to these Terms shall be announced to Users as needed, online via the Internet or through other means provided by the Company.
Article 2. Members
Members refer to natural persons among Users who have applied to the Company to use the Service through the procedures specified by the Company, after acknowledging these Terms, and have been approved for membership by the Company.
Article 3. Responsibility for management of Member no. (ID) and password
Only the Member him or herself may use his or her Member no. (ID) and password. They may not be transferred or lent to any third party, and no third party may be allowed to use them. They also may not be sold, subjected to a change in name, pawned, etc.
In addition, an indication of intent made to the Company using the Member no. (ID) and password shall be deemed a valid indication of intent by the Member, and all payments etc. arising for such purposes shall be the responsibility of the Member.
Article 4. Loss of eligibility as a Member etc.
When a Member meets any of the descriptions enumerated below, the Company may suspend temporarily or cancel the Member’s eligibility as a Member, without providing any notice or notification to the Member. In such a case, the Company shall not refund any usage charges or other payments already made.
In addition, the Member shall be liable for compensating the Company for any damages it has suffered as a result of the following acts by the Member:
1. Having provided false information at the time of starting membership or later
2. Having improperly altered any information entered
3. Having used his or her Member no. (ID) or password improperly
4. Having accessed the Company’s website and improperly altered information, having sent a harmful computer program to the Company’s website, or having impeded the operation of the Service or the Company through other methods
5. Having acted in a way that infringes on the Company’s intellectual property rights
6. Having fallen behind in performance of payment obligations, or refused to make payment, in connection with use of the Service
7. When use of the Member’s designated payment account has been suspended by a receipt agency, financial institution, etc.
8. Having violated any of these Terms
9. Having been otherwise judged by the Company to be inappropriate as a Member
Article 5. LUSH ONLINE service content
Through Internet shopping, the Service sells, and provides information on, products handled by the Company, to Members and other Users.
Members also may post product reviews.
However, as it deems appropriate, the Company may alter the content of or suspend such reviews without notifying the Member in advance.
Article 6. Order delivery region
Orders may be delivered only to addresses in Japan.
Note: However, orders for shipment overseas may be received only when using the Company’s recommended parcel forwarding service, tenso.com.【*1】
Article 7. Standards on receipt of orders
The Company may refuse an order from a Member/User if screening shows that the Member/User meets any of the descriptions enumerated below.
1. When purchasing products for commercial purposes (including resale of products purchased or placing orders on behalf of others) or information has been obtained that leads to the suspicion that the Member/User is doing so
2. When the Member/User has failed to pay for products in the past
3. When the Member/User has refused to accept products ordered in the past
4. When it has been determined that any of the descriptions enumerated under Article 4 applies
5. When the Member/User has violated any of these Terms
6. In other cases in which the Company has determined that it would be inappropriate to accept the order
Article 8. Consumption tax
All prices indicated, except for those of LUSH Gift Cards and Spa Invitations, include consumption tax.
Article 9. Product orders
1. An agreement on sale for an order from a Member/User shall be concluded when the Company has completed processing receipt of the order and has notified the Member/User by email of the finalization of the order. Notification by email and similar means shall be deemed complete upon the sending by the Company of such notification to the Member/User and its receipt by the server used by the Member/User. Members/Users are obligated to read emails sent by the Company without delay.
2. An order made using a Member no. (ID) and password shall be deemed a valid order by the Member under any circumstances.
3. The Company shall not be liable for failure to receive an order from a Member/User due to Internet-related problems or other reasons for which the Company is not responsible.
4. Purchasing through and use of LUSH ONLINE for commercial or resale purposes is prohibited. Resale after purchase also is prohibited.
5. Even after receipt of an order from a Member/User and the conclusion of the sale agreement as described under Paragraph 1, the Company may cancel the sale agreement if it has determined that the Member/User meets any of the descriptions enumerated in Article 7. In such a case, the Member/User may not make any demands against the Company under any title, including that of compensation for damages.
6. If the storage period at the delivery company expires due to the long absence of or refusal of receipt by the User or the recipient of the product, the sale agreement will be automatically cancelled and the product will not be redispatched. In the event of cancellation, the Company will decide on the handling of the ordered product, including resale of the product.
7. If the order is prepared for dispatch immediately after it has been confirmed, the Company cannot change the product or the delivery address. The customer must handle and pay for the forwarding and return shipping costs of the parcel whose order has been confirmed.
Article 10. Other matters
With regard to product delivery, all risks regarding the product shall transfer to the Member/User upon completion of handover of the product to the delivery company. The Company shall not be liable in any of the following cases.
1. Acts of God, amendment or abolition of systems under laws or regulations, disposition through exercise of public authority, accidents involving means of shipping, labor disputes, delays in or inability to conduct product handover
2. Delays in or inability to conduct product handover due to an inability to confirm the whereabouts of the recipient of the product from registration and order information
3. Delays in or inability to conduct product handover due to other unavoidable reasons
4. Product defects, damage, etc. arising in a product forwarded or transferred from the delivery address
5. Product defects, damage, etc. arising in a product forwarded overseas using a parcel forwarding service
Article 11. Changes to specifications etc.
Some parts of product specifications and design, and product countries of origin, are subject to change without notice.
Article 12. Privacy
1. The Company shall not disclose or leak to any third party, except where there are valid reasons for doing so under laws or regulations, Member/User personal information (User authentication information, names, email addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, addresses, genders, dates of birth, records of communication, account information [i.e., credit-card issuer names, credit-card numbers, and other information related to payment methods for charges and other amounts], or other information concerning Members) learned in connection with provision of the Service.
2. The Member/User hereby consents to the Company’s handling (including the handling methods enumerated below) of Member personal information within the scope necessary to achieve each of the purposes enumerated below (“purposes of use” hereinafter).
(1) To provide notification of changes in, additions to, or discontinuation of services as necessary in connection with provision of the Service
(2) To deliver or otherwise provide materials, samples, promotional items, giveaways, products, etc. as requested or purchased by the Member/User in connection with provision of the Service
(3) To respond to demands, inquiries, and complaints from Members/Users and others and provide on-site support or communication in connection with provision of the Service
(4) To conduct surveys etc., collect data, analyze it, and conduct similar activities for purposes such as improving the quality of products, services, etc. from the Company or third parties including the Company’s partner companies in connection with provision of the Service
(5) To collect, without individual notice, and link to Member information and other data obtained by the Company information on subjects such as use of services provided by the Company in order to customize for each member the products and services or advertising, public-relations materials, and other information provided by the Company or third parties including the Company’s partner companies in connection with provision of the Service
(6) To disclose or provide to the third parties, including the Company’s partner companies mentioned in the two preceding subparagraphs, information obtained as described in the two preceding subparagraphs, after first rendering it anonymous so that it cannot be used to identify individual Members or users, for purposes such as improving and developing products or services provided by such third parties
(7) For purposes of advertising and public relations, to conduct various events, and to provide benefits related to products, services, etc. provided by the Company or third parties, including the Company’s partner companies, and to send email, printed materials, etc. or make telephone calls in order to provide information concerning these or for other communication purposes, in connection with provision of the Service
(8) To send email, printed materials, etc. in order to obtain the consent of the relevant Member/User etc. regarding the use of his or her personal information
(9) To use the personal information of a Member/User etc. for other purposes of use for which the voluntary consent of the Member/User etc. has been obtained
(10) Deferred payment orders are subject to the deferred payment service (QR code payment in convenience stores / banks)of Net Protections, Inc., and the payment credit is transferred to them.
If payment is not confirmed by the due date, a late payment fee may be added to your payment.
Please agree to the Terms of Use of the NP deferred payment and their Privacy Policy before selecting the deferred payment service. For more information: https://np-atobarai.jp/terms/atobarai-buyer.html
3. The Company may entrust the personal information of a Member/User to a subcontractor obligated, by contractual or other means, to manage such personal information properly, for the purpose of the subcontracting of operations necessary to achieve the purposes of use. The Member/User hereby consents to such provision of information.
Note: As used here, subcontractor refers to the credit-card issuer in a case where the Member/User etc. desires to make a payment by credit card, delivery services contracted to deliver products, printing companies preparing address labels for the delivery of catalogs, credit and collection agencies contracted to review orders and collect product proceeds, companies providing survey systems used by the Company for random drawings and other purposes (including companies that may use servers located outside Japan), and others.
4. By contacting the contact point indicated below, a Member/User may request a correction or deletion of personal information concerning him or her through the method established by the Company. However, the minimal necessary information needed for Company business operations may not be deleted.
<Requests for correction>
After logging in to LUSH ONLINE, correct the desired information in the “Registration Details” of your account information.
<Requests for deletion>
Email: [email protected]
Address: LUSH JAPAN Custmer Care
Tokyo-to, Shibuya-ku, Jinnan, 1-17-11, Garden Cube Shibuya Jinnan 4F
Toll-free: 0120-125-204
Hours: Weekdays 10:00 am - 17:00 pm
The toll-free number may be dialed from smartphones, mobile phones, and PHS phones as well.
Closed for year-end and New Year’s holidays.
The toll-free number may not be dialed from a telephone set to block display of caller ID information.
Use the standard telephone number of 03-5447-5402 instead (tolls apply).
Fax: 0120-126-204 (365 days/year)
The laws of Japan apply to Members’ personal information in the Company’s possession. The Company complies with laws and regulations applicable to personal information and will modify relevant items as necessary in the event of amendments or other changes to such laws and regulations.
5. The Company may disclose Members’ personal information within the scope necessary when so requested by a court of law, public prosecutors office, police department, or other national agency etc. pursuant to laws and regulations.
Article 13. Communication security
The Company employs SSL encryption technology to ensure security in order to protect personal information.
However, the Company makes no guarantee as to the security of such technology, and in the event of an incident such as leakage of data through no fault of the Company, the Company and credit-card issuers shall not be held liable.
Article 14. Interruption and termination of service provision
Use of the system may be interrupted temporarily or terminated without notifying Members in advance in the event of system difficulties, system maintenance, or other unavoidable reasons related to the operation and management of the Service. The Company shall not be liable for compensation for any damages suffered by Members/Users as a result.
Article 15. Copyright etc.
Copyright to photographs and other materials carried in the Company’s website, catalogs, and the Service is property of the Company. Accordingly, Members/Users may not, without the prior consent of the Company, reproduce, transmit, enable transmission of, display on screen, or otherwise use such copyrighted materials except for their own personal use.
Article 16. Court of law
The agreed-upon sole court of first instance in the event that there is a need for litigation between the Company and a Member/User shall be the Tokyo District Court.
Article 17. Inquiries
Please direct any inquiries to the contact point indicated below.
Email: [email protected]
Address: LUSH JAPAN , Customer Care Dept.,
Kanagawa-ken, Aiko-gun, Aikawa-machi, Nakatsu,Sakuradai,4009-3 GLP Atsugi 4F
Toll-free: 0120-125-204
Hours: Weekdays 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
The toll-free number may be dialed from smartphones, mobile phones, and PHS phones as well.
Closed for year-end and New Year’s holidays.
The toll-free number may not be dialed from a telephone set to block display of caller ID information.
Fax: 0120-126-204 (365 days/year)
【*1】The use of the service of “tenso.com” which we currently advise, will no longer be available after 15th June 2023.
We regret to inform you that, from the orders on 15th June 2023 ahead, any orders specifying addresses for international forwarding services etc.(including “tenso.com”) will be canceled.
Thank you for your understanding.
Enacted: December 15, 2012
Revised: October 11, 2016
Revised: Febrary 14, 2022