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Geteme Tree Flower Honey



A floral honey, foraged from the luxurious Ethiopian forests.

Get-e-me more honey

Deforestation is an ever-increasing global issue. Ethiopia, in particular, has only 2-4% of its forests remaining. This is detrimental to over 80% of Ethiopia’s population who are farmers, as deforestation affects their agricultural yields and, therefore, their incomes. Our geteme honey supplier's mission is to conserve Ethiopia's biodiverse ecosystem. Through partnering with smallholder farmers, they have created a market for honey in order to provide farmers in the Sheka Biosphere Reserve (eastern Ethiopia) with a sustainable income, and to encourage them to protect the forest.

Honey is an example of a non-timber forest product that supports both humans and the environment. The geteme tree (Schefflera abyssinica) grows in tropical regions of Africa. Its shade can help other plants to grow, while its fragrant flowers attract bees. The pollinator loves their sweet nectar and produces a very flowery, cream-coloured honey from it.

Animal Welfare

At Lush, we agree that the modern honey industry treats bees like farmed animals. To ensure their welfare is respected in our supply chain, we work with beekeepers who understand the importance of managing hives with consideration and of working in a minimally invasive way. We do not allow the use of harmful practices such as queen wing clipping or artificial rearing.

Where possible, we aim to work directly with beekeepers, but in any case, we ask for full traceability and adherence to our high standards. We actively encourage and select those who go beyond organic beekeeping and implement regenerative practices that positively impact local wildlife and the hives’ environment.

What are the benefits of honey for your skin and hair?

  • Humectant
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antioxidant
  • Protective
  • Conditioning
  • Nutrient-rich

Because of its remarkable antimicrobial and humectant properties, honey also contributes to the preservation of products’ formulae.

Relentless wings

Bees collect nectar from flowers and carry it to their hives where the worker bees convert it into honey. Half a kilogram of honey contains the essence of about two million flowers and the colour, fragrance and properties of honey vary depending on the varieties foraged. Bees need to make thousands of round trips to collect nectar, and a single bee produces only about a teaspoon of honey during its lifetime.

Homepage - Geteme Tree Flower Honey