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Golden Egg

Bath Bomb Melt

Sweet shimmering caramel

Golden Egg. A perfectly egg-shaped bath bomb covered in thick, lustrous golden glitter shimmering under the light.
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Indulge in a super soak that’s got all the richness of a scrumptious honey-toffee scent, but this egg is completely vegan! An Easter embrace of bath bomb and bath melt, luxurious caramel scents come from the fizz, while decadent Fair Trade organic cocoa butter provided by the melt leaves your skin shimmeringly soft. Sometimes, all that glitters is gold!

How to use:
Drop this sweet, syrupy, and lustrous gold bath bomb melt into warm bathwaters, it'll be eggs-actly what you're looking for.

How to store:
We recommend keeping this egg in a cool, dry place, until you're ready to hatch a plan for an Easter morning bath.



Your order will be expertly protected against impact during transit by biodegradable Eco Pops, compostable packaging nuggets made from potato starch! They're easily dissolvable in water or soil.

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All of our products are made by hand, fresh, every day, across 6 manufacturing sites all over the world. We believe in happy people making happy soap, putting our faces on our products and making our mums proud.

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We have been fighting against animal testing since before we opened our first shop, and the fight continues today. We test products on humans and promote, fund and use human biology relevant testing methods entirely animal and animal-product free. Find out more


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