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Citrus aurantium amara



Petitgrain oil has a fresh, floral and woody aroma that is said to reduce anxiety and alleviate mental fatigue when inhaled. In skincare, the oil helps to balance sebum's production and is an effective and mild antiseptic. As such, it is beneficial for skin that suffers from acne and for dandruff-prone scalps.

The bitter orange tree (Citrus aurantium amara) is an evergreen member of the Rutaceae plant family. Many parts of the tree are used for perfuming and culinary purposes: the fruits flavour food and drinks, the flowers are distilled to produce neroli oil and orange flower absolute and, finally, petitgrain oil is obtained from the leaves and twigs of the tree.

Petitgrain oil is well-known in perfumery as one of the classic ingredients of Eau de Cologne. Lush purchases it from Paraguay.

Hemsida - Petitgrainolja