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The Picnic Knot-Wrap

Gift Wrapping

Everybunny's favorite

The Picnic. This knot wrap, bordered by green grass, depicts colourful characters on a bright summer day.
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The 100% organic cotton material for this knot-wrap was created by our partners at re-wrap: an organization that produces organic cotton textiles while positively impacting women and farmers in South India. And the adorable design comes from Scottish illustrator and animator, Angela Kirkwood. It invokes her love of childhood cartoons featuring surreal characters and bold, bright colors. Once someone's unwrapped all of their favorite Lush treats, they can re-use this wrap in a host of ways, though we'd love to see it wrapped around the handle of your picnic basket on a beautiful day in the park.


- Great for gifting packaging-free products

- Can be reused as a scarf or other accessory

- This knot-wrap is made from organic cotton

How to use:

Use as gorgeous, paper-free gift wrapping, or wear as a scarf, headband or accessory.



Natural Ingredients

Safe Synthetics

*occurs naturally in essential oils.

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We have been fighting against animal testing since before we opened our first shop, and the fight continues today. We test products on humans and promote, fund and use human biology relevant testing methods entirely animal and animal-product free. Find out more

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