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Arnica Flower and Devil’s Claw Root Decoction


Arnica Flower and Devil’s Claw Root Decoction

Heterotheca inuloides; Harpagophytum procumbens



Both traditionally known for their calming effects on sore muscles and aching joints, arnica flower and devil's claw root have the potential to be a sports fan's best friend.

Where do we purchase those plants?

Lush purchases flowers (fresh and dried) from multiple suppliers who source them from different countries around the world depending on species, season and availability. They must comply with Lush's buying policy which encourages growers to move away from the use of hazardous pesticides. Periodic, case-by-case spot checks are also performed to detect pesticide residues on the ingredients entering our factories.

For UK production, devil’s claw roots are purchased from European growers. Bear in mind that with seven manufacturing sites across the globe, this information may vary depending on where your Lush products were made.

What is a decoction?

Decoctions are made in-house at Lush by boiling raw materials in water until one-third or half of the water evaporates. This is often used to extract as much ‘essence’ as possible from a plant, especially if it’s a sturdy part like a bark or a root.

What are the benefits of arnica and devil’s claw in cosmetics?

  • Soothe bruises and sprains.
  • Alleviate inflammation.
  • Soothe muscle and joint pain. 
  • May reduce swells.

Unique stories

Nature is wonderfully strange sometimes (and always clever). It took millennia of evolution for plants to develop incredible subterfuges to attract those who help them reproduce and spread, or repel those who like to nibble them. Arnica is a good example with its brightly coloured and fragrant flower that attracts pollinators. 

Knowing that, it is fair to ask what the hell is going on with the devil's claw and its scary-looking fruits. A little ball with long ‘arms’ topped by small hooks, like a thorny spider. It really doesn’t want to be eaten, does it? Trust nature, it always has its reasons. Originally growing in arid regions of southern Africa, it's been imperative for devil’s claws to spread their seeds as far as they can in the hope of surviving. The small hooks are then very convenient to cling to passing animals and travel with them.

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