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The knot wrap is wrapped around a small box, as well as laid out flat, on a bright blue background.

Zig And Zag Knot Wrap

Gift Wrapping

A reusable, recycled PET wrap

Zig and Zag Knot Wrap, multicoloured abstract patterns cover this square wrap.
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Knot Wrap Number: 344 

This brightly coloured reusable Knot Wrap made from recycled plastic bottles adds a personal touch and will find a second life as a headband or future wrapping.

How to use:
- This 50cmx50cm fabric alternative to gift wrap is particularly perfect for wrapping perfume.



Natural Ingredients

Safe Synthetics

*occurs naturally in essential oils.

Fighting animal testing

We have been fighting against animal testing since before we opened our first shop, and the fight continues today. We test products on humans and promote, fund and use human biology relevant testing methods entirely animal and animal-product free. Find out more

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